We are the band that defeated The Devil in a bar fight at the end of the world.
You don’t even need to ask, though.
We beat that ***, bro.
A certain Spaniard summarized the whole ordeal with this sentence: “On the night we sent Diablo home, not a single punch was thrown.” Back-hand after front-hand, we threw down that Slap Fiasco.
“How do you top that?” you’re asking. Well, courtesy of our sponsor, I’ll tell you.
We proceeded to jam out so hard that we teleported ourselves through space and time, to a parallel universe . . . ended up in the year of 2019, in Tuscarawas County, Ohio. To this day, we don’t know why-o.
All you need to know is that we rock n’ roll.
Vocals, Keys – Sanchez The Manchez (Drew Ramos)
Lead Guitar – Dan “The Void” Shenanigans (Garrett Gump)
Drums – The Timekeeper, Joe Tempo (Anthony Moore)
Bass- Panda Man, Tom Guapo (Atom Lax)
Lyrics & Annotations: genius.com/artists/Slap-fiasco
Website (Lore): slapfiasco.fandom.com